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Moderator: Storchenzentrum

Beiträge: 25064
Registriert: Di 17. Apr 2007, 09:47
Wohnort: Herten


Beitrag von Doris »

Hello everyone! :D
I do not know why the new 2011 thread has been deleted.
Maybe because here were problems with spammer during the last hours.
So lets start a new one.
Lets all keep our fingers crossed for a good stork year in 2011.

Beitrag von biggi44 »

Have fun. :!:
Cheral in California

Beitrag von Cheral in California »

Hello Everyone :D

Just got the newsletter email saying that a stork has been seen in the nest. He must be camera shy because there are no photos in the archive that show him. Guess it won't be long now :!:
Beiträge: 25064
Registriert: Di 17. Apr 2007, 09:47
Wohnort: Herten

Beitrag von Doris »

Hi Cheral,
it was not a visit in this nest.
But Lübbenau is not far away from Vetschau.
Lets hope Cico and Luna will be back soon. :D

The Spree Forest's first Stork has moved into his Eyrie

We received from Mr. Scherz of Ragow/Luebbenau the glad tiding that on Saturday, March 12th a stork has arrived on his property. According to the information at the White Stork Information Centre NABU Regional Association Calau, this is the first white stork of the season in the Spree Forest. This nesting place exists since 1999 and has been occupied regularly since 2004. Three young stork fledged here last year.

Adebar (nickname for white storks) is busy spring preening, works on his nest and is waiting for a partner. Perhaps even Cico and Luna are in the vicinity, so we may welcome them soon here in Vetschau/Spree Forest.

Bernd Elsner
NABU Regional Association Calau
Cheral in California

Beitrag von Cheral in California »

Thanks Doris, I read it incorrectly :oops:
Beiträge: 18
Registriert: Mo 23. Apr 2007, 07:30

Beitrag von Luana »

Hello Everyone

It won't be long now. Like Cheryl, I check the archives and March 25 2010 last year Cico arrived. He started working on the nest right away.

It will be nice to see all the familar names in the Forum again and to meet new ones.

Here's to a healthy family!

Beitrag von Alice »

Won't be long now! Here's to a happy stork family 2011!! :D :D
Beiträge: 25064
Registriert: Di 17. Apr 2007, 09:47
Wohnort: Herten

Beitrag von Doris »

Good morning. :D

A dwarf stork. ;)



O.K., it is a Magpie. ;-)

Hurry up Cico and Luna. :lol:
Cheral in California

Beitrag von Cheral in California »

:!: They must be taking the scenic route or may be stuck in 'traffic' :wink:
Beiträge: 18
Registriert: Mo 23. Apr 2007, 07:30

Beitrag von Luana »

Should we start to worry? Cico and Luna are really late! Do they have to fly over areas where there are missels etc. in the air?
Beiträge: 25064
Registriert: Di 17. Apr 2007, 09:47
Wohnort: Herten

Beitrag von Doris »

Hi Luana. :D
No, we do not have to worry.
The east migrators are a bit late this year. But now they are dropping in more and more. A lot of nests in Poland and Hungary are now taken by storks, so I think Cico and Luna will arrive soon.
I think, they are late because of bad weather or "wrong" jet stream on their way home.
I think, there are no missiles on their route. They usually do not fly over Lybia. I Egypt it is quiet now.
Here is a picture an some more information of their migrating route:
Have a great Sunday everyone.
Beiträge: 18
Registriert: Mo 23. Apr 2007, 07:30

Beitrag von Luana »

Luana hat geschrieben:Should we start to worry? Cico and Luna are really late! Do they have to fly over areas where there are missils etc. in the air?
Zuletzt geändert von Luana am So 10. Apr 2011, 08:45, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Beitrag von peter »

While we wait for our favourite storks to arrive why not call in at another couple of web cams in Germany and check upon their birds.


Beitrag von YaHootie »

Beiträge: 25064
Registriert: Di 17. Apr 2007, 09:47
Wohnort: Herten

Beitrag von Doris »

Zuletzt geändert von Doris am Di 5. Apr 2011, 18:54, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.